Why isn't the Network Thermostat website loading properly?
Try using a different web browser (like Firefox or Chrome).
Try using a different web browser (like Firefox or Chrome).
All schedules must be in chronological order even if the schedules are inactive.
Check the power supply to ensure the thermostat is getting the proper voltage (about 24 volts). The red wire from the backplate and the red wire from the thermostat cable must both be in the R terminal. The black wire from the backplate and the common (color varies) wire from the thermostat cable must both be in the 24V(c) terminal.
You can find the manual for all of our devices on the products page. Go to the desired device and look under the "Docs" tab. Note: If you have an older device that is no longer in production contact support for a copy of the manual.
Yes, as long as you are using a supported OS.
You can find the manual for all of our devices on the products page. Go to the desired device and look under the "Docs" tab. Note: If you have an older device that is no longer in production contact support for a copy of the manual.