For NetX™ Wi-Fi and Ethernet Devices
The NetX™ Device Explorer for PC and Mac is a simple JAVA application that allows you to find all NetX™ Ethernet and Wi-Fi products on the same network as the PC or Mac (yes, you can use either a PC or Mac). Simply download and install the application on any Apple Mac® or Windows® desktop machine (not iOS products or Windows™ Mobile) and click 'Discover Devices', click the device you want to use, and your default browser will open a new tab with the device's main page.
Mac Compatible
Any Apple Mac® with Ethernet and/or Wi-Fi, and the most recent JAVA application installed.
Windows Compatible
- Compatible with all Windows 7, 8 & 10
- Previous versions of Windows will not work.
- Monitor resolution - 1024 x 768 or higher
- 10MB available hard disk storage
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