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NetX X-Series Thermostats Now Offer BACnet and Modbus Protocol

The BAS market is in a state of flux.  They are stuck between the legacy of BACnet and Modbus protocol control and the building owner’s desire to offer Smart Thermostat features to facility managers or tenants.  Additionally, different protocols and different HVAC systems have complicated the market with multiple BAS thermostat models that only control specific types of HVAC equipment.  

The NetX BACnet/IP and Modbus TCP/IP Solution

Our clients tell us that they need BAS integration with smart thermostats but the current burden of single-use controls is not ideal. To provide our clients with a more ideal solution, we added BACnet/IP and Modbus TCP/IP to our X Series touchscreen platform. One thermostat platform that handles all our clients' needs.


Each NetX thermostat supports a variety of different commercial HVAC types right out of the box.  This makes it perfect for controlling a wide range of Gas/Electric and Heat Pump unitary equipment including supplemental heat (up to 3H/2C), including AHUs, RTUs, split-systems, PTACs, FCUs, Fan Coils, and any system with 2-position valves. For more compatibility, we added VAV box controllers and interface (and even the VAV box itself, if desired), and the ability to integrate with nearly every global manufacturer of VRF, VRV, and mini-split systems.

Simplicity and Installation Ease

Having one thermostat that can handle such a wide variety of HVAC equipment means focused training, consistent installation, and deployment; not to mention reducing inventory sku's. These thermostats can be configured on-site by a junior technician in just a minute or two either from the color touchscreen display or with a smartphone or a PC. For even simpler deployment ask about our NetX Factory Pre-Programming Option

Ask About Our Pre-Programming Service

Legacy BAS with Smart Control Benefits

NetX thermostats with BACnet-IP and Modbus TCP/IP support all the standard protocols with a twist.  We can simultaneously support end-users with either protocol along with desktop and mobile device access with our NetX Cloud.  Imagine having the ability to control the overall system with your BAS system while offering the latest features of Multi-User, Multi-Site, Multi Permission controls via our NetX CloudManager. Powerful! Let us demo how NetX can bring your BAS system of yesterday to the next level of Smart[er] Thermostat end-user engagement.

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