It is evident in almost every school district. Campuses with buildings that were built over multiple years, or decades. Each time a new building is built or renovated, bids are taken and the ‘best’ (lowest price) vendor is awarded the job. This leaves the district with a variety of HVAC equipment and controls. Or should I say, ‘lack of control…’ In each case, Facilities and energy managers are left with the difficult job of trying to operate several different systems effectively and efficiently. Replacing and standardizing equipment is normally not an economic or practical solution. So, can anything be done to create an environment that can deliver a consolidated control platform interacting with a variety of equipment?
The NetX Solution
Network Thermostat provides a comprehensive solution to the problem of managing multiple HVAC systems and control interfaces in schools. Netx’s ability to work with all types of HVAC systems enables schools to access all their HVAC equipment in one easy-to-use platform. From AHUs to VAV/VVTs and VRFs, NetX brings all your points of control onto a single “pane of glass”. There is no limit to the number of thermostats you can “see.” You have complete visibility and control.
The system can be used as a stand-alone system or integrated with a larger building automation system via BACnet or Modbus. This means that schools can easily connect NetX thermostats to their existing front-end systems, without having to invest in new equipment or make significant changes to their infrastructure.
Eliminating Catastrophic Failure
Network Thermostats controls are true “edge computing”. Our thermostats are self-contained controls that connect directly to the local area network. No central hub or processor means no central point of failure!
Easy Upgrade Path
One of NetX’s key benefits is its easy installation and connectivity. This means that schools can quickly and easily get up and running with the system, without spending valuable time and resources on installation and setup. NetX thermostats install as easily as any standard thermostat and with the Network Thermostat Pre-Programming service, connecting to your network is automatic.
By consolidating control of their HVAC systems into one platform, schools can streamline their scheduling, monitoring, and adjusting processes, making managing their facilities easier and more efficient. This can result in significant time and cost savings, as well as improved comfort and energy efficiency for students, teachers, and staff.
Network Thermostat provides schools with a comprehensive solution to the problem of managing multiple HVAC systems and control interfaces. With its easy installation and connectivity, as well as its ability to work with almost every type of HVAC system, Network Thermostat enables schools to consolidate control of their HVAC systems and realize the benefits of improved efficiency, comfort, and energy savings.