NetworkThermostat, a leading communications-based thermostat manufacturer since 1995, is proud to announce the CloudConnect™ service for their NetX™ Wi-Fi and Ethernet smart thermostats. In keeping with customer demands for simple connectivity and remote access, the CloudConnect™ service allows NetX users the convenience of remote access using the Internet ‘cloud’ with no limits on the number of thermostats or locations under the user’s management. CloudConnect™ is even smart enough to adjust the user interface to match the device being used; desktop, tablet or smart phone.
With NetworkThermostat, there is no compromise when choosing between using a direct connection or cloud connection. NetX’s exclusive DirectConnect™ method allows users to make a direct connection to the thermostats from anywhere on site or remotely, with no need for a ‘cloud’. This is very popular for customers who have security requirements that prevent them from ‘going to the cloud’. Now, with the addition of the CloudConnect™ platform, NetworkThermostat customers have a choice. Both methods can be used simultaneously with the NetX-IP PC Command Center software for unparalleled connectivity options. NetworkThermostat’s approach to smart thermostats integrates all of the web pages, schedules, date and time settings, alerts, passwords, network settings and notification destinations directly into the thermostat. The thermostats reside on the Local Area Network using Wi-Fi or Ethernet ([UP32x/RP32x-IP thermostat __title__ Ethernet Thermostats]). End users and support personnel can connect simultaneously to the thermostats using their favorite PC, Mac, tablet, or smart phone. All eight (8) models of the UP32x/RP32x smart thermostats include both methods.
The CloudConnect™ service offers NetX users a choice of simple connectivity with an interface similar to that found in the NetX-IP Command Center Software to monitor and control multiple thermostats at multiple locations from a single web-browser page. Features include updating schedules and vacations, setting overrides, managing alerts, controlling humidity levels and many others.
Flexibility is at the heart of every NetX smart thermostat. All UP32/RP32 thermostats control conventional Gas/Electric (2H/2C) and Heat Pump (3H/2C) systems and the UP32H/RP32H can also manage humidifiers/dehumidifiers and/or fresh air dampers. A lockout feature limits temperature overrides to ±3ºF or ±5°F and includes an adjustable override timer. Use the recirculation fan timer to optimize airflow within the conditioned environment. Integrated real time weather forecasts, based on local zip code, eliminate the need for outdoor sensors when setting heat pump balance points. Special algorithms even lessen energy usage peaks by minimizing the number of HVAC units that can turn on at the same time.
The UP32x also supports auxiliary inputs and sensors. Picture a miniature energy management system in a thermostat. Each UP32x supports occupancy sensing, two (2) digital inputs for condensate switch, dirty filter or other fault condition, and an advanced remote sensor bus. The 3-wire remote sensor bus supports eleven (11) sensors with up to nineteen (19) alerts.
All thermostat platforms support up to four (4) email and text message destinations for sending reminders and condition alerts to both customer and service personnel. Simply enter the desired alert email addresses and phone numbers in the embedded secure email client. Critical Alerts can be repeated until the alert condition is corrected and reset. These alerts include humidity levels, filter change reminders and a powerful Inefficient Equipment Run alert.
These products are available through an ever-growing network of online retailers, HVAC distributors and contractors. Detailed information on this product, and NetworkThermostat’s industry leading network solutions can be found on the web at:, ,, telephone: 972-580-8001.